Hello CA NOW members and supporters,
It’s been a very eventful year in California and across the country and if there’s one thing we’ve learned, whether supporting women’s work, legislation or candidates, we need to count on each other. Being there for all of California’s women and girls is what California NOW is all about, that is, meeting women and girls where they are in their own communities, then joining community leaders in their struggle to create a more just society.
Women, especially the women’s movement has accomplished a lot with little resources, but we can’t successfully accomplish the work that remains without donations from our supporters and members. We need your help to not just advocate, but to hold elected officials, philanthropy and business accountable to women and girls.
California NOW is organizing and the first steps have already been taken:
1) California NOW built and are expanding a direct communications network with progressive women and men.
2) California NOW built and are expanding lasting relationships with women across and within social, economic, race, and sexual justice movements.
3) California NOW welcomed and encouraged women, especially women of color from across these movements to join and lead at every level within NOW.
4) California NOW continue to speak truth to power and to California’s women and girls.
We need your help to expand our direct communication network. By reaching a million women, we can exponentially increase an already powerful women’s voice on Election Day and all the days in between.
Our work politically holds candidates and elected officials accountable to feminist progressive principles. In 2014, California NOW took on and beat former Assembly Speaker John Perez, when he tried to push Betty Yee out of the Controller’s race.
California NOW also stood with Sandra Fluke, who faced a million dollar independent expenditure campaign in her state senate campaign. She didn’t win this time, but Sandra has started something that we intend to finish with her and your help. Young women, the same young women who are changing the way sexual assault is handled on and off campus supported and tirelessly worked to elect Sandra Fluke. We need to keep every single young woman engaged because along with the women leaders working in their communities, young women on college campuses are not just our future, they are our present movement.
California NOW has learned over the course of the last 40 years, laws are not enough. We must ensure funding for implementation and enforcement. California NOW joined San Francisco supervisor David Campos in successfully enacting equal pay legislation that requires contracting businesses to submit and make public yearly equal pay reports. We’ll be working in 2015 to have Los Angeles join San Francisco in ensuring progress on equal pay.
Can we count on your contribution so California NOW can continue the fight to ensure women’s equality and intersectional gender equity are on the agenda.
California NOW Foundation as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your contribution is tax deductible