SAN FRANCISCO - Patty Bellasalma, President of California National Organization of Women (NOW), Calls out Reid Hoffman.
Reid Hoffman has chosen once again to distort and exploit the serious issue of domestic violence by spending thousands of dollars to attack David Campos’ character. California and San Francisco NOW stand with David Campos because his record, his actions demonstrate his commitment to women and their families.
California NOW President Patty Bellasalma’s Open Letter to Reid Hoffman:
Mr. Hoffman, California and San Francisco NOW, the women and men of San Francisco stand with David Campos because David Campos was there to stop budget cuts to the very domestic violence services you pretend to care about.
Mr. Hoffman, California NOW fights every single day for women’s equality and empowerment. We’ve never seen you in Sacramento fighting for women and their families. Truth is women’s rights organizations, including those working to mandate enforcement of intimate partner violence, sexual assault, and all other forms of violence haven’t seen you or your money.
Mr. Hoffman where were you when Governor Brown eliminated enforcement of domestic violence law mandates? Better yet, where have you been in holding your own industry accountable for the out of control violence against women perpetrated mostly by men? How have you aided the tech women and their families who have been harassed out of their homes because of threats of physical violence?
And lastly, Mr. Hoffman, where have you been to ensure the San Francisco Police and Sheriff Departments adopt a zero-tolerance domestic violence police for all personnel including the chief and sheriff?
The stakes are too high in this election for women to be distracted by empty gestures and worst yet, red herring issues used cynically BY YOU to gain our vote. The truth is Women in California need real change that makes a difference in women’s lives that’s why California and San Francisco NOW stand with David Campos.
We stand with DAVID CAMPOS because he’s a partner, who joins us in fighting every day for federal, state and local investment until we reach universal early education, where teachers and early education workers are fully valued for their work. Fighting every day for nurses, care workers all of whom should be fully valued for the work they perform. The same goes for household workers, hotel workers, janitors, restaurant workers and every other kind of service worker – all deserve at least a living wage and worker protections. Someone who won’t stop until every worker is guaranteed equal pay for equal work.
We stand with DAVID CAMPOS because he’s a partner who joins us in fighting every day for federal, state and local investment in smart policing, youth education, empowerment and employment, community businesses and access to healthy food, safe drinking water and toxic-free environments until every neighborhood, block by block women and girls, men and boys are thriving by being safe, secure, and free from violence of every kind.
California and San Francisco NOW STANDS WITH DAVID CAMPOS because his record is clear:
- Proposing legislation to promote equal pay for women in San Francisco
- Creating a 25-foot buffer zone at the Planned Parenthood Clinic near St. Luke’s Hospital to protect women from harassment
- Removing anti-abortion banners that provided misguided and faulty information about abortions.
- Securing funding for immigrant survivors of domestic violence who use services such as the Mujeres Unidas y Activas 24-hour Spanish hotline.
- Closing health care loopholes that prevented low-wage employees from receiving health care benefits they were owed.
- Supporting the rights of domestic workers by guaranteeing that they are afforded the same rights and protections as industrial workers.
Mr. Hoffman, we’ve seen the despicable attacks against David Campos, and we want women to know that they are baseless and exploitative. Mr. Hoffman women also need to know just where you’ve been for them – NOWHERE.
Contact: Patricia Bellasalma
213-393-1785 [email protected]