We're proud that our work is moving California closer towards achieving women's equality and empowerment, even if our leaders continue to kick and scream along the way.
When the governor proposed eliminating the Commission on the Status
of Women, we not only held a fundraiser to keep the Commission going, we
made it our business to ensure the Commission and gender equity
continued to be part of state government. When the Governor eliminated
the office of Women’s Health and tried to implement Health in All Policies without women, we were there to ensure all women were counted by the state in eliminating health disparities.
Right now we’re fighting to ensure women’s employment and women workers are part of California’s Strategic Plan for Economic Development & Jobs
and we’re fighting to ensure domestic violence and rape law enforcement
mandates remain and are finally paid for by all levels of government.
We’re also working with the Attorney General’s office to ensure that
women across the state have access to full reproductive healthcare and
that end of life directives are respected as Catholic healthcare
corporations seek to expand their market share. You can count on us to
ensure that women and men will have the information they need to be an
informed healthcare consumer.
The reason we can fight for all of these important issues is because we aren't financially dependent upon any of the special interest groups that run Sacramento.
Unfortunately, the down economy has hit our supporters hard which, in turn, has hit us hard. Even though we work on a shoestring budget, we're finding it more difficult to get by each month.
That's why we're holding a fundraiser. We know the ticket price is high and may be cost prohibitive for some of you but if you can afford to attend, we assure you that your TAX-DEDUCTIBLE donation will be spent wisely. And please forward this to anyone you know in the LA area. If you cannot attend the event but would like to make a tax-deductible donation NOW, click here.
No other organization works on as many issues impacting women and girls as we do. And no other organization is as independent as we are. We hope you'll support our work by attending this fundraiser. It's a good tax deduction and a great investment in our daughters' future.